Sir Joseph Banks High School

Excellence Innovation Opportunity Success

Telephone02 9773 6054

The Future Teachers Club

Year 12 students took up the challenge and travelled to Armidale with students from Macquarie Fields and Muswellbrook High Schools

Over the course of Term 2 Year 11 and 12 students have been involved with a program that had its origin at Macquarie Fields High School over 10 years ago. The program is called “The Future Teachers Club”.

Students have put their name forward as wishing to see what is involved in teaching as a profession. Twenty-two students were divided between six primary schools for one day a week for four weeks. The students went into the classroom and worked with the teachers. The students went into a variety of primary classes ranging from kindergarten to Year 6. The students were assessed against outcomes that Pre-Service Teachers are required to demonstrate.

A smaller group of Year 12 students took up the challenge and travelled to Armidale with students from Macquarie Fields and Muswellbrook High Schools. While in Armidale the students visited the University of New England where they prepared lessons involving aspects of STEM. The students sat in a lecture hall and interacted with lecturers. Students attended Armidale Secondary College where three hundred primary school students attended. The secondary students, in groups of 3 or 4 presented their lessons to the primary students. Feedback from the primary teachers was extremely positive. On the return journey the students visited a rural primary school and went into classes and interacted with the younger students.