Business link programs enrich and deepen the learning of our students. They also provide valuable mentoring support and broaden life experience.
Our close ties with ABCN over many years has allowed us to offer hundreds of students valuable learning and life opportunities. The Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) is a not for profit organization that brings together large corporations including the Commonwealth Bank, Optus, JP Morgan and Ernst & Young, as well as many other highly regarded firms to support and assist young people.
Accelerate is a three-year program that combines corporate mentoring and financial relief to generate change for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. It targets high-potential students whose disadvantage impacts their ability to pursue tertiary pathways. The program spans Years 11 and 12 and the first year of further education, employment or training.
The Focus program provides young women with the essential leadership skills they need to engage in a successful, meaningful career. Female executive role models mentor students in small groups to develop their skills and build their confidence, encouraging them to aspire to senior roles in business and the community. Participants may already be holding leadership positions or are about to enter into leadership positions in their schools.
GOALS is a one-on-one mentoring program designed to raise the aspirations of Year 9 students. The aim is to broaden awareness of the personal, educational and vocational choices available, maintain student engagement at school and encourage the completion of Year 12 and further tertiary study. Students are matched with a corporate mentor in sessions that include setting goals, communication, managing finances and preparation for the workforce.
Aspirations is designed to familiarise high shool students with a modern workplace and equip them with the skills to get there. The program focuses on Year 11, a critical stage for students in determining what type of further education they will pursue, or whether they will continue with school at all. Aspirations enables students to engage in the workplace and build an understanding of the types of skills that are required in a modern work environment. Working in teams the sessions include interview techniques, understanding strengths and developing essential employability skills such as communication and problem solving.
Interview 2 Impress
Interview 2 Impress is a one day program designed to equip students with the necessary practical skills, needed to engage in employability options beyond school. The focus of Interview to Impress is to allow students to experience realistic interview scenarios in a corporate environment. It enables students to test and practice the theory they learn at school by working with a mentor who is able to provide direct and relevant feedback and advice based on their own job interview experiences. Topics covered include effective non-verbal communication, building rapport, typical interview structure and questions. Interview workshops are held at a corporate venue. A facilitator takes participants through a series of activities designed to build students' understanding of job interview techniques and processes.